
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self,runner):
    runner - Instance of TaskRunner
    ipc.Responder.__init__(self, inputProtocol)


    # should we use weak references to avoid circular references?
    # We use weak references b\c self.runner owns this instance of TaskRunnerResponder
    if isinstance(runner,weakref.ProxyType):

def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.

    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    self.dirty = False 
def _recompile_physics_and_update_observables(self):
    """Sets up the environment for latest MJCF model from the task."""
    self._physics_proxy = None
    if isinstance(self._physics, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._physics_proxy = self._physics
      self._physics_proxy = weakref.proxy(self._physics)

    if self._overridden_n_sub_steps is not None:
      self._n_sub_steps = self._overridden_n_sub_steps
      self._n_sub_steps = self._task.physics_steps_per_control_step

    self._hooks.after_compile(self._physics_proxy, self._random_state)
    self._observation_updater = self._make_observation_updater()
    self._observation_updater.reset(self._physics_proxy, self._random_state) 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def __init__(self, parent_message):
      parent_message: The message whose _Modified() method we should call when
        we receive Modified() messages.
    # This listener establishes a back reference from a child (contained) object
    # to its parent (containing) object.  We make this a weak reference to avoid
    # creating cyclic garbage when the client finishes with the 'parent' object
    # in the tree.
    if isinstance(parent_message, weakref.ProxyType):
      self._parent_message_weakref = parent_message
      self._parent_message_weakref = weakref.proxy(parent_message)

    # As an optimization, we also indicate directly on the listener whether
    # or not the parent message is dirty.  This way we can avoid traversing
    # up the tree in the common case.
    self.dirty = False 
def _parent(self, value):
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, weakref.ProxyType):
            value = weakref.proxy(value)
        self.__parent = value 
def _request(self, value):
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, weakref.ProxyType):
            value = weakref.proxy(value)
        self.__request = value 
def HTTPHandlerGen(runner):
  This is a class factory for the HTTPHandler. We need
  a factory b\c we need a reference to the runner

  runner - instance of the task runner

  if not(isinstance(runner,weakref.ProxyType)):

  class TaskRunnerHTTPHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    """Create a handler for the parent.

    def __init__(self,*args,**param):

    def do_POST(self):
      self.responder =TaskRunnerResponder(self.runner)
      call_request_reader = ipc.FramedReader(self.rfile)
      call_request = call_request_reader.read_framed_message()
      resp_body = self.responder.respond(call_request)
      self.send_header('Content-Type', 'avro/binary')
      resp_writer = ipc.FramedWriter(self.wfile)

  return TaskRunnerHTTPHandler 
def CheckCursorConnection(self):
        if not isinstance(self.cur.connection, weakref.ProxyType) and \
           not isinstance(self.cur.connection, weakref.CallableProxyType):
            fail("cursor.connection doesn't return the correct type") 
def physics(self):
    """Returns a `weakref.ProxyType` pointing to the current `mjcf.Physics`.

    Note that the underlying `mjcf.Physics` will be destroyed whenever the MJCF
    model is recompiled. It is therefore unsafe for external objects to hold a
    reference to `environment.physics`. Attempting to access attributes of a
    dead `Physics` instance will result in a `ReferenceError`.
    return self._physics_proxy 
def enter(self, handlers, loop=None):
        assert self._loop or loop
        if loop:
            if not isinstance(loop, weakref.ProxyType):
                loop = weakref.proxy(loop)
            self._loop = loop

        if not isinstance(handlers, weakref.ProxyType):
            handlers = weakref.proxy(handlers)

        token = self.__context__.set(handlers)

        yield self