
def sinh(x, out=None):
    Return the hyperbolic sine, element-wise.

    x : ht.DNDarray
        The value for which to compute the hyperbolic sine.
    out : ht.DNDarray or None, optional
        A location in which to store the results. If provided, it must have a broadcastable shape. If not provided
        or set to None, a fresh tensor is allocated.

    hyperbolic sine : ht.DNDarray
        A tensor of the same shape as x, containing the trigonometric sine of each element in this tensor.
        Negative input elements are returned as nan. If out was provided, square_roots is a reference to it.

    >>> ht.sinh(ht.arange(-6, 7, 2))
    tensor([[-201.7132,  -27.2899,   -3.6269,    0.0000,    3.6269,   27.2899,  201.7132])
    return local_op(torch.sinh, x, out) 
def exp_map(x, v):
    # BD, BD -> BD
    tn = tangent_norm(v).unsqueeze(dim=1)
    tn_expand = tn.repeat(1, x.size()[-1])
    result = torch.cosh(tn) * x + torch.sinh(tn) * (v / tn)
    result = torch.where(tn_expand > 0, result, x)  # only update if tangent norm is > 0
    return result 
def build_tensor(K):
    lam = [torch.cosh(K)*2, torch.sinh(K)*2]
    T = []
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            for k in range(2):
                for l in range(2):
                    if ((i+j+k+l)%2==0):
                        T.append(torch.tensor(0.0, dtype=K.dtype, device=K.device))
    T = torch.stack(T).view(2, 2, 2, 2)
    return T 
def bwd(z: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, params) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
        a, b, c, d, g = NLSQ.get_pseudo_params(params)

        # double needed for stability. No effect on overall speed
        a = a.double()
        b = b.double()
        c = c.double()
        d = d.double()
        g = g.double()
        z = z.double()

        aa = -b * d.pow(2)
        bb = (z - a) * d.pow(2) - 2 * b * d * g
        cc = (z - a) * 2 * d * g - b * (1 + g.pow(2))
        dd = (z - a) * (1 + g.pow(2)) - c

        p = (3 * aa * cc - bb.pow(2)) / (3 * aa.pow(2))
        q = (2 * bb.pow(3) - 9 * aa * bb * cc + 27 * aa.pow(2) * dd) / (27 * aa.pow(3))

        t = -2 * torch.abs(q) / q * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(p) / 3)
        inter_term1 = -3 * torch.abs(q) / (2 * p) * torch.sqrt(3 / torch.abs(p))
        inter_term2 = 1 / 3 * arccosh(torch.abs(inter_term1 - 1) + 1)
        t = t * torch.cosh(inter_term2)

        tpos = -2 * torch.sqrt(torch.abs(p) / 3)
        inter_term1 = 3 * q / (2 * p) * torch.sqrt(3 / torch.abs(p))
        inter_term2 = 1 / 3 * arcsinh(inter_term1)
        tpos = tpos * torch.sinh(inter_term2)

        t[p > 0] = tpos[p > 0]
        z = t - bb / (3 * aa)
        arg = d * z + g
        denom = arg.pow(2) + 1
        logdet = torch.log(b - 2 * c * d * arg / denom.pow(2))

        z = z.float().mul(mask.unsqueeze(2))
        logdet = logdet.float().mul(mask.unsqueeze(2)).view(z.size(0), -1).sum(dim=1) * -1.0
        return z, logdet 
def log_map(x, y):
    """Perform the log step."""
    d = dist(x, y)
    return (d / torch.sinh(d)) * (y - torch.cosh(d) * x) 
def exp_map(x, y):
    """Perform the exp step."""
    n = torch.clamp(norm(y), min=EPSILON)
    return torch.cosh(n) * x + (torch.sinh(n) / n) * y 
def grad_log_prob(self, value):
        res = - value / self.scale.pow(2) + (self.dim - 1) * self.c.sqrt() * torch.cosh(self.c.sqrt() * value) / torch.sinh(self.c.sqrt() * value) 
        return res 
def logdetexp(self, x, y, is_vector=False, keepdim=False):
        d = self.norm(x, y, keepdim=keepdim) if is_vector else self.dist(x, y, keepdim=keepdim)
        return (self.dim - 1) * (torch.sinh(self.c.sqrt()*d) / self.c.sqrt() / d).log() 
def aten_sinh(inputs, attributes, scope):
    inp = inputs[0]
    ctx = current_context()
    net =
    if ctx.is_tensorrt and has_trt_tensor(inputs):
        layer = net.add_unary(inp, trt.UnaryOperation.SINH)
        output = layer.get_output(0) = scope = scope
        return [output]
    elif ctx.is_tvm and has_tvm_tensor(inputs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    return [torch.sinh(inp)] 
def sinh(t):
    Element-wise hyperbolic sine computed using cross-approximation; see PyTorch's `inh()`.

    :param t: input :class:`Tensor`

    :return: a :class:`Tensor`

    return tn.cross(lambda x: torch.sinh(x), tensors=t, verbose=False) 
def standard(x, nn_outp):
        a, b, c, d, f = NLSq.get_pseudo_params(nn_outp)
        # double needed for stability. No effect on overall speed
        a = a.double()
        b = b.double()
        c = c.double()
        d = d.double()
        f = f.double()
        x = x.double()

        aa = -b*d.pow(2)
        bb = (x-a)*d.pow(2) - 2*b*d*f
        cc = (x-a)*2*d*f - b*(1+f.pow(2))
        dd = (x-a)*(1+f.pow(2)) - c

        p = (3*aa*cc - bb.pow(2))/(3*aa.pow(2))
        q = (2*bb.pow(3) - 9*aa*bb*cc + 27*aa.pow(2)*dd)/(27*aa.pow(3))
        t = -2*torch.abs(q)/q*torch.sqrt(torch.abs(p)/3)
        inter_term1 = -3*torch.abs(q)/(2*p)*torch.sqrt(3/torch.abs(p))
        inter_term2 = 1/3*arccosh(torch.abs(inter_term1-1)+1)
        t = t*torch.cosh(inter_term2)

        tpos = -2*torch.sqrt(torch.abs(p)/3)
        inter_term1 = 3*q/(2*p)*torch.sqrt(3/torch.abs(p))
        inter_term2 = 1/3*arcsinh(inter_term1)
        tpos = tpos*torch.sinh(inter_term2)

        t[p > 0] = tpos[p > 0]
        y = t - bb/(3*aa)

        arg = d*y + f
        denom = 1 + arg.pow(2)

        x_new = a + b*y + c/denom

        logdet = -torch.log(b - 2*c*d*arg/denom.pow(2)).sum(-1)

        y = y.float()
        logdet = logdet.float()

        return y, logdet 
def forward(self, x):
        self.stored_input = x

        g_add = self._compute_gate(x, self.G_add, self.bias_add)
        self.stored_gate_add = g_add

        if self.nalu_two_gate:
            g_mul = self._compute_gate(x, self.G_mul, self.bias_mul)
            self.stored_gate_mul = g_mul
            self.writer.add_histogram('gate/add', g_add)
            self.writer.add_histogram('gate/mul', g_mul)
            g_mul = 1 - g_add
            self.writer.add_histogram('gate', g_add)
            self.writer.add_scalar('gate/mean', torch.mean(g_add), verbose_only=False)

        # a = W x = nac(x)
        a = self.nac_add(x)

        # m = exp(W log(|x| + eps)) = exp(nac(log(|x| + eps)))
        if self.nalu_mul == 'normal':
            m = torch.exp(self.nac_mul(
                torch.log(torch.abs(x) + self.eps)
        elif self.nalu_mul == 'safe':
            m = torch.exp(self.nac_mul(
                torch.log(torch.abs(x - 1) + 1)
        elif self.nac_mul == 'max-safe':
            m = torch.exp(self.nac_mul(
                torch.log(torch.relu(x - 1) + 1)
        elif self.nalu_mul == 'trig':
            m = torch.sinh(self.nac_mul(
                torch.log(x+(x**2+1)**0.5 + self.eps)  # torch.asinh(x) does not exist
        elif self.nalu_mul == 'mnac':
            m = self.nac_mul(x)
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported nalu_mul option ({self.nalu_mul})')

        self.writer.add_histogram('add', a)
        self.writer.add_histogram('mul', m)
        # y = g (*) a + (1 - g) (*) m
        y = g_add * a + g_mul * m

        return y