
def INVLS_pytorch(FB, FBC, F2B, FR, tau, sf=2):
    FB: NxCxWxHx2
    F2B: NxCxWxHx2

    x1 = FB.*FR;
    FBR = BlockMM(nr,nc,Nb,m,x1);
    invW = BlockMM(nr,nc,Nb,m,F2B);
    invWBR = FBR./(invW + tau*Nb);
    fun = @(block_struct)*invWBR;
    FCBinvWBR = blockproc(FBC,[nr,nc],fun);
    FX = (FR-FCBinvWBR)/tau;
    Xest = real(ifft2(FX));
    x1 = cmul(FB, FR)
    FBR = torch.mean(splits(x1, sf), dim=-1, keepdim=False)
    invW = torch.mean(splits(F2B, sf), dim=-1, keepdim=False)
    invWBR = cdiv(FBR, csum(invW, tau))
    FCBinvWBR = cmul(FBC, invWBR.repeat(1,1,sf,sf,1))
    FX = (FR-FCBinvWBR)/tau
    Xest = torch.irfft(FX, 2, onesided=False)
    return Xest 
def forward(self, z):
        z, cond = z
        # Reshape filter coefficients to complex form
        filter_coef = self.filter_coef.reshape([-1, self.filter_size // 2 + 1, 1]).expand([-1, self.filter_size // 2 + 1, 2]).contiguous()
        filter_coef[:,:,1] = 0
        # Compute filter windowed impulse response
        h = torch.irfft(filter_coef, 1, signal_sizes=(self.filter_size,))
        h_w = self.filter_window.unsqueeze(0) * h
        h_w = nn.functional.pad(h_w, (0, self.block_size - self.filter_size), "constant", 0)
        # Compute the spectral transform 
        S_sig = torch.rfft(z, 1).reshape(z.shape[0], -1, self.block_size // 2 + 1, 2)
        # Compute the spectral mask
        H = torch.rfft(h_w, 1).reshape(z.shape[0], -1, self.block_size // 2 + 1, 2)
        # Filter the original noise
        S_filtered          = torch.zeros_like(H)
        S_filtered[:,:,:,0] = H[:,:,:,0] * S_sig[:,:,:,0] - H[:,:,:,1] * S_sig[:,:,:,1]
        S_filtered[:,:,:,1] = H[:,:,:,0] * S_sig[:,:,:,1] + H[:,:,:,1] * S_sig[:,:,:,0]
        S_filtered          = S_filtered.reshape(-1, self.block_size // 2 + 1, 2)
        # Inverse the spectral noise back to signal
        filtered_noise = torch.irfft(S_filtered, 1)[:,:self.block_size].reshape(z.shape[0], -1)
        return filtered_noise 
def forward(self, z):
        z, conditions = z
        # Pad the input sequence
        y = nn.functional.pad(z, (0, self.size), "constant", 0)
        # Compute STFT
        Y_S = torch.rfft(y, 1)
        # Compute the current impulse response
        idx = torch.sigmoid(self.wetdry) * self.identity
        imp = torch.sigmoid(1 - self.wetdry) * self.impulse
        dcy = torch.exp(-(torch.exp(self.decay) + 2) * torch.linspace(0,1, self.size).to(z.device))
        final_impulse = idx + imp * dcy
        # Pad the impulse response
        impulse = nn.functional.pad(final_impulse, (0, self.size), "constant", 0)
        if y.shape[-1] > self.size:
            impulse = nn.functional.pad(impulse, (0, y.shape[-1] - impulse.shape[-1]), "constant", 0)
        IR_S = torch.rfft(impulse.detach(),1).expand_as(Y_S)
        # Apply the reverb
        Y_S_CONV = torch.zeros_like(IR_S)
        Y_S_CONV[:,:,0] = Y_S[:,:,0] * IR_S[:,:,0] - Y_S[:,:,1] * IR_S[:,:,1]
        Y_S_CONV[:,:,1] = Y_S[:,:,0] * IR_S[:,:,1] + Y_S[:,:,1] * IR_S[:,:,0]
        # Invert the reverberated signal
        y = torch.irfft(Y_S_CONV, 1, signal_sizes=(y.shape[-1],))
        return y 
def forward(self, z):
        sig, conditions = z
        # Create noise source
        noise = torch.randn([sig.shape[0], sig.shape[1], self.block_size]).detach().to(sig.device).reshape(-1, self.block_size) * self.noise_att
        S_noise = torch.rfft(noise, 1).reshape(sig.shape[0], -1, self.block_size // 2 + 1, 2)
        # Reshape filter coefficients to complex form
        filter_coef = self.filter_coef.reshape([-1, self.filter_size // 2 + 1, 1]).expand([-1, self.filter_size // 2 + 1, 2]).contiguous()
        filter_coef[:,:,1] = 0
        # Compute filter windowed impulse response
        h = torch.irfft(filter_coef, 1, signal_sizes=(self.filter_size,))
        h_w = self.filter_window.unsqueeze(0) * h
        h_w = nn.functional.pad(h_w, (0, self.block_size - self.filter_size), "constant", 0)
        # Compute the spectral mask
        H = torch.rfft(h_w, 1).reshape(sig.shape[0], -1, self.block_size // 2 + 1, 2)
        # Filter the original noise
        S_filtered          = torch.zeros_like(H)
        S_filtered[:,:,:,0] = H[:,:,:,0] * S_noise[:,:,:,0] - H[:,:,:,1] * S_noise[:,:,:,1]
        S_filtered[:,:,:,1] = H[:,:,:,0] * S_noise[:,:,:,1] + H[:,:,:,1] * S_noise[:,:,:,0]
        S_filtered          = S_filtered.reshape(-1, self.block_size // 2 + 1, 2)
        # Inverse the spectral noise back to signal
        filtered_noise = torch.irfft(S_filtered, 1)[:,:self.block_size].reshape(sig.shape[0], -1)
        return filtered_noise 
def forward(self, z, x):
        z = self.feature(z)
        x = self.feature(x)

        zf = torch.rfft(z, signal_ndim=2)
        xf = torch.rfft(x, signal_ndim=2)

        kzzf = torch.sum(tensor_complex_mulconj(zf,zf), dim=1, keepdim=True)

        kzyf = tensor_complex_mulconj(zf,

        solution =  tensor_complex_division(kzyf, kzzf + self.config.lambda0)

        response = torch.irfft(torch.sum(tensor_complex_mulconj(xf, solution), dim=1, keepdim=True), signal_ndim=2)

        return response 
def forward(ctx, h1, s1, h2, s2, output_size, x, y, force_cpu_scatter_add=False):
        ctx.x_size = tuple(x.size())
        ctx.y_size = tuple(y.size())
        ctx.force_cpu_scatter_add = force_cpu_scatter_add
        ctx.output_size = output_size

        # Compute the count sketch of each input
        px = CountSketchFn_forward(h1, s1, output_size, x, force_cpu_scatter_add)
        fx = torch.rfft(px,1)
        re_fx =, 0)
        im_fx =, 1)
        del px
        py = CountSketchFn_forward(h2, s2, output_size, y, force_cpu_scatter_add)
        fy = torch.rfft(py,1)
        re_fy =,0)
        im_fy =,1)
        del py

        # Convolution of the two sketch using an FFT.
        # Compute the FFT of each sketch

        # Complex multiplication
        re_prod, im_prod = ComplexMultiply_forward(re_fx,im_fx,re_fy,im_fy)

        # Back to real domain
        # The imaginary part should be zero's
        re = torch.irfft(torch.stack((re_prod, im_prod), re_prod.dim()), 1, signal_sizes=(output_size,))

        return re 
def irfft(t):
    return torch.irfft(t, 2, onesided=False) 
def irfft(t):
    return torch.irfft(t, 2, onesided=False) 
def irfft(t):
    # Complex-to-real Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
    return torch.irfft(t, 2, onesided=False) 
def forward(self, x, FB, FBC, F2B, FBFy, alpha, sf):
        FR = FBFy + torch.rfft(alpha*x, 2, onesided=False)
        x1 = cmul(FB, FR)
        FBR = torch.mean(splits(x1, sf), dim=-1, keepdim=False)
        invW = torch.mean(splits(F2B, sf), dim=-1, keepdim=False)
        invWBR = cdiv(FBR, csum(invW, alpha))
        FCBinvWBR = cmul(FBC, invWBR.repeat(1, 1, sf, sf, 1))
        FX = (FR-FCBinvWBR)/alpha.unsqueeze(-1)
        Xest = torch.irfft(FX, 2, onesided=False)

        return Xest 
def pad_irfft3(F):
    padded batch inverse real fft
    :param f: tensor of shape [..., res0, res1, res2/2+1, 2]
    res = F.shape[-3]
    f0 = torch.ifft(F.transpose(-4,-2), signal_ndim=1).transpose(-2,-4)
    f1 = torch.ifft(f0.transpose(-3,-2), signal_ndim=1).transpose(-2,-3)
    f2 = torch.irfft(f1, signal_ndim=1, signal_sizes=[res]) # [..., res0, res1, res2]
    return f2 
def irfft2(data):
    assert data.size(-1) == 2
    data = ifftshift(data, dim=(-3, -2))
    data = torch.irfft(data, 2, normalized=True, onesided=False)
    data = fftshift(data, dim=(-2, -1))
    return data 
def forward(self):
        Return the image
        ch, h, w = self.shape

        scaled_spectrum = self.spectrum_var * self.spertum_scale
        img = torch.irfft(scaled_spectrum, 2, onesided=True, normalized=False)

        img = img[:ch, :h, :w]
        return img.unsqueeze(0) / 4. 
def forward(self, x):
        x = self.feature(x)

        x =  x * self.config.cos_window

        xf = torch.rfft(x, signal_ndim=2)
        solution =  tensor_complex_division(self.model_alphaf, self.model_betaf + self.config.lambda0)
        response = torch.irfft(torch.sum(tensor_complex_mulconj(xf, solution), dim=1, keepdim=True), signal_ndim=2)
        r_max = torch.max(response)
        return response 
def cifft2(a, signal_sizes=None):
    """Do inverse FFT corresponding to cfft2."""

    return torch.irfft(irfftshift2(a), 2, signal_sizes=signal_sizes) 
def idct(X, norm=None):
    The inverse to DCT-II, which is a scaled Discrete Cosine Transform, Type III

    Our definition of idct is that idct(dct(x)) == x

    For the meaning of the parameter `norm`, see:

    :param X: the input signal
    :param norm: the normalization, None or 'ortho'
    :return: the inverse DCT-II of the signal over the last dimension

    x_shape = X.shape
    N = x_shape[-1]

    X_v = X.contiguous().view(-1, x_shape[-1]) / 2

    if norm == 'ortho':
        X_v[:, 0] *= np.sqrt(N) * 2
        X_v[:, 1:] *= np.sqrt(N / 2) * 2

    k = torch.arange(x_shape[-1], dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)[None, :] * np.pi / (2 * N)
    W_r = torch.cos(k)
    W_i = torch.sin(k)

    V_t_r = X_v
    V_t_i =[X_v[:, :1] * 0, -X_v.flip([1])[:, :-1]], dim=1)

    V_r = V_t_r * W_r - V_t_i * W_i
    V_i = V_t_r * W_i + V_t_i * W_r

    V =[V_r.unsqueeze(2), V_i.unsqueeze(2)], dim=2)

    v = torch.irfft(V, 1, onesided=False)
    x = v.new_zeros(v.shape)
    x[:, ::2] += v[:, :N - (N // 2)]
    x[:, 1::2] += v.flip([1])[:, :N // 2]

    return x.view(*x_shape) 
def forward(ctx, h1, s1, h2, s2, output_size, x, y, force_cpu_scatter_add=False):
        ctx.x_size = tuple(x.size())
        ctx.y_size = tuple(y.size())
        ctx.force_cpu_scatter_add = force_cpu_scatter_add
        ctx.output_size = output_size

        # Compute the count sketch of each input
        px = CountSketchFn_forward(h1, s1, output_size, x, force_cpu_scatter_add)
        fx = torch.rfft(px,1)
        re_fx =, 0)
        im_fx =, 1)
        del px
        py = CountSketchFn_forward(h2, s2, output_size, y, force_cpu_scatter_add)
        fy = torch.rfft(py,1)
        re_fy =,0)
        im_fy =,1)
        del py

        # Convolution of the two sketch using an FFT.
        # Compute the FFT of each sketch

        # Complex multiplication
        re_prod, im_prod = ComplexMultiply_forward(re_fx,im_fx,re_fy,im_fy)

        # Back to real domain
        # The imaginary part should be zero's
        re = torch.irfft(torch.stack((re_prod, im_prod), re_prod.dim()), 1, signal_sizes=(output_size,))

        return re 
def filters(self):
        ft_f = torch.rfft(self._filters, 1, normalized=True)
        hft_f = torch.stack([ft_f[:, :, :, 1], - ft_f[:, :, :, 0]], dim=-1)
        hft_f = torch.irfft(hft_f, 1, normalized=True,
                            signal_sizes=(self.kernel_size, ))
        return[self._filters, hft_f], dim=0) 
def backward(ctx,grad_output):
        h1,s1,h2,s2,x,y = ctx.saved_tensors

        # Recompute part of the forward pass to get the input to the complex product
        # Compute the count sketch of each input
        px = CountSketchFn_forward(h1, s1, ctx.output_size, x, ctx.force_cpu_scatter_add)
        py = CountSketchFn_forward(h2, s2, ctx.output_size, y, ctx.force_cpu_scatter_add)

        # Then convert the output to Fourier domain
        grad_output = grad_output.contiguous()
        grad_prod = torch.rfft(grad_output, 1)
        grad_re_prod =, 0)
        grad_im_prod =, 1)

        # Compute the gradient of x first then y

        # Gradient of x
        # Recompute fy
        fy = torch.rfft(py,1)
        re_fy =,0)
        im_fy =,1)
        del py
        # Compute the gradient of fx, then back to temporal space
        grad_re_fx = torch.addcmul(grad_re_prod * re_fy,  1, grad_im_prod, im_fy)
        grad_im_fx = torch.addcmul(grad_im_prod * re_fy, -1, grad_re_prod, im_fy)
        grad_fx = torch.irfft(torch.stack((grad_re_fx,grad_im_fx), grad_re_fx.dim()), 1, signal_sizes=(ctx.output_size,))
        # Finally compute the gradient of x
        grad_x = CountSketchFn_backward(h1, s1, ctx.x_size, grad_fx)
        del re_fy,im_fy,grad_re_fx,grad_im_fx,grad_fx

        # Gradient of y
        # Recompute fx
        fx = torch.rfft(px,1)
        re_fx =, 0)
        im_fx =, 1)
        del px
        # Compute the gradient of fy, then back to temporal space
        grad_re_fy = torch.addcmul(grad_re_prod * re_fx,  1, grad_im_prod, im_fx)
        grad_im_fy = torch.addcmul(grad_im_prod * re_fx, -1, grad_re_prod, im_fx)
        grad_fy = torch.irfft(torch.stack((grad_re_fy,grad_im_fy), grad_re_fy.dim()), 1, signal_sizes=(ctx.output_size,))
        # Finally compute the gradient of y
        grad_y = CountSketchFn_backward(h2, s2, ctx.y_size, grad_fy)
        del re_fx,im_fx,grad_re_fy,grad_im_fy,grad_fy

        return None, None, None, None, None, grad_x, grad_y, None 
def get_reg_filter(sz: torch.Tensor, target_sz: torch.Tensor, params):
    """Computes regularization filter in CCOT and ECO."""

    if not params.use_reg_window:
        return params.reg_window_min * torch.ones(1,1,1,1)

    if getattr(params, 'reg_window_square', False):
        target_sz = * torch.ones(2)

    # Normalization factor
    reg_scale = 0.5 * target_sz

    # Construct grid
    if getattr(params, 'reg_window_centered', True):
        wrg = torch.arange(-int((sz[0]-1)/2), int(sz[0]/2+1), dtype=torch.float32).view(1,1,-1,1)
        wcg = torch.arange(-int((sz[1]-1)/2), int(sz[1]/2+1), dtype=torch.float32).view(1,1,1,-1)
        wrg =[torch.arange(0, int(sz[0]/2+1), dtype=torch.float32),
                         torch.arange(-int((sz[0] - 1) / 2), 0, dtype=torch.float32)]).view(1,1,-1,1)
        wcg =[torch.arange(0, int(sz[1]/2+1), dtype=torch.float32),
                         torch.arange(-int((sz[1] - 1) / 2), 0, dtype=torch.float32)]).view(1,1,1,-1)

    # Construct regularization window
    reg_window = (params.reg_window_edge - params.reg_window_min) * \
                 (torch.abs(wrg/reg_scale[0])**params.reg_window_power +
                  torch.abs(wcg/reg_scale[1])**params.reg_window_power) + params.reg_window_min

    # Compute DFT and enforce sparsity
    reg_window_dft = torch.rfft(reg_window, 2) /
    reg_window_dft_abs = complex.abs(reg_window_dft)
    reg_window_dft[reg_window_dft_abs < params.reg_sparsity_threshold * reg_window_dft_abs.max(), :] = 0

    # Do the inverse transform to correct for the window minimum
    reg_window_sparse = torch.irfft(reg_window_dft, 2, signal_sizes=sz.long().tolist())
    reg_window_dft[0,0,0,0,0] += params.reg_window_min - * reg_window_sparse.min()
    reg_window_dft = complex.real(fourier.rfftshift2(reg_window_dft))

    # Remove zeros
    max_inds,_ = reg_window_dft.nonzero().max(dim=0)
    mid_ind = int((reg_window_dft.shape[2]-1)/2)
    top = max_inds[-2].item() + 1
    bottom = 2*mid_ind - max_inds[-2].item()
    right = max_inds[-1].item() + 1
    reg_window_dft = reg_window_dft[..., bottom:top, :right]
    if reg_window_dft.shape[-1] > 1:
        reg_window_dft =[reg_window_dft[..., 1:].flip((2, 3)), reg_window_dft], -1)

    return reg_window_dft 
def backward(ctx,grad_output):
        h1,s1,h2,s2,x,y = ctx.saved_tensors

        # Recompute part of the forward pass to get the input to the complex product
        # Compute the count sketch of each input
        px = CountSketchFn_forward(h1, s1, ctx.output_size, x, ctx.force_cpu_scatter_add)
        py = CountSketchFn_forward(h2, s2, ctx.output_size, y, ctx.force_cpu_scatter_add)

        # Then convert the output to Fourier domain
        grad_output = grad_output.contiguous()
        grad_prod = torch.rfft(grad_output, 1)
        grad_re_prod =, 0)
        grad_im_prod =, 1)

        # Compute the gradient of x first then y
        # Gradient of x
        # Recompute fy
        fy = torch.rfft(py,1)
        re_fy =,0)
        im_fy =,1)
        del py
        # Compute the gradient of fx, then back to temporal space
        grad_re_fx = torch.addcmul(grad_re_prod * re_fy,  1, grad_im_prod, im_fy)
        grad_im_fx = torch.addcmul(grad_im_prod * re_fy, -1, grad_re_prod, im_fy)
        grad_fx = torch.irfft(torch.stack((grad_re_fx,grad_im_fx), grad_re_fx.dim()), 1, signal_sizes=(ctx.output_size,))
        # Finally compute the gradient of x
        grad_x = CountSketchFn_backward(h1, s1, ctx.x_size, grad_fx)
        del re_fy,im_fy,grad_re_fx,grad_im_fx,grad_fx

        # Gradient of y
        # Recompute fx
        fx = torch.rfft(px,1)
        re_fx =, 0)
        im_fx =, 1)
        del px
        # Compute the gradient of fy, then back to temporal space
        grad_re_fy = torch.addcmul(grad_re_prod * re_fx,  1, grad_im_prod, im_fx)
        grad_im_fy = torch.addcmul(grad_im_prod * re_fx, -1, grad_re_prod, im_fx)
        grad_fy = torch.irfft(torch.stack((grad_re_fy,grad_im_fy), grad_re_fy.dim()), 1, signal_sizes=(ctx.output_size,))
        # Finally compute the gradient of y
        grad_y = CountSketchFn_backward(h2, s2, ctx.y_size, grad_fy)
        del re_fx,im_fx,grad_re_fy,grad_im_fy,grad_fy

        return None, None, None, None, None, grad_x, grad_y, None