
def batch_intersection_union(output, target, nclass):
    # inputs are NDarray, output 4D, target 3D
    # the category -1 is ignored class, typically for background / boundary
    mini = 1
    maxi = nclass
    nbins = nclass
    predict = torch.argmax(output, 1) + 1
    target = target.float() + 1

    predict = predict.float() * (target > 0).float()
    intersection = predict * (predict == target).float()
    # areas of intersection and union
    area_inter = torch.histc(intersection, bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_pred = torch.histc(predict, bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_lab = torch.histc(target, bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter
    assert torch.sum(area_inter > area_union).item() == 0, \
        "Intersection area should be smaller than Union area"
    return area_inter.float(), area_union.float() 
def batch_intersection_union(output, target, nclass):
    # inputs are numpy array, output 4D, target 3D
    mini = 1
    maxi = nclass
    nbins = nclass
    predict = torch.argmax(output, 1) + 1
    target = target.float() + 1

    predict = predict.float() * (target > 0).float()
    intersection = predict * (predict == target).float()
    # areas of intersection and union
    # element 0 in intersection occur the main difference from np.bincount. set boundary to -1 is necessary.
    area_inter = torch.histc(intersection.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_pred = torch.histc(predict.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_lab = torch.histc(target.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter
    assert torch.sum(area_inter > area_union).item() == 0, "Intersection area should be smaller than Union area"
    return area_inter.float(), area_union.float() 
def get_selabel_vector(target, nclass):
    r"""Get SE-Loss Label in a batch
        predict: input 4D tensor
        target: label 3D tensor (BxHxW)
        nclass: number of categories (int)
        2D tensor (BxnClass)
    batch = target.size(0)
    tvect = torch.zeros(batch, nclass)
    for i in range(batch):
        hist = torch.histc(target[i].data.float(), 
                           bins=nclass, min=0,
        vect = hist>0
        tvect[i] = vect
    return tvect 
def cal_hist(image):
        cal cumulative hist for channel list
    hists = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        channel = image[i]
        # channel = image[i, :, :]
        channel = torch.from_numpy(channel)
        # hist, _ = np.histogram(channel, bins=256, range=(0,255))
        hist = torch.histc(channel, bins=256, min=0, max=256)
        hist = hist.numpy()
        # refHist=hist.view(256,1)
        sum = hist.sum()
        pdf = [v / sum for v in hist]
        for i in range(1, 256):
            pdf[i] = pdf[i - 1] + pdf[i]
    return hists 
def batch_intersection_union(output, target, nclass):
    # inputs are numpy array, output 4D, target 3D
    mini = 1
    maxi = nclass
    nbins = nclass
    predict = torch.argmax(output, 1) + 1
    target = target.float() + 1

    predict = predict.float() * (target > 0).float()
    intersection = predict * (predict == target).float()
    # areas of intersection and union
    # element 0 in intersection occur the main difference from np.bincount. set boundary to -1 is necessary.
    area_inter = torch.histc(intersection.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_pred = torch.histc(predict.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_lab = torch.histc(target.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter
    assert torch.sum(area_inter > area_union).item() == 0, "Intersection area should be smaller than Union area"
    return area_inter.float(), area_union.float() 
def intersectionAndUnion(batch_data, pred, numClass):
    (imgs, segs, infos) = batch_data
    _, preds = torch.max(, dim=1)

    # compute area intersection
    intersect = preds.clone()
    intersect[, segs)] = -1

    area_intersect = torch.histc(intersect.float(),
                                 max=numClass - 1)

    # compute area union:
    preds[, 0)] = -1
    area_pred = torch.histc(preds.float(),
                            max=numClass - 1)
    area_lab = torch.histc(segs.float(),
                           max=numClass - 1)
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_intersect
    return area_intersect, area_union 
def intersection_union(gt, pred, correct, n_class):
    intersect = pred * correct

    area_intersect = torch.histc(intersect, bins=n_class, min=1, max=n_class)
    area_pred = torch.histc(pred, bins=n_class, min=1, max=n_class)
    area_gt = torch.histc(gt, bins=n_class, min=1, max=n_class)

    # intersect = intersect.detach().to('cpu').numpy()
    # pred = pred.detach().to('cpu').numpy()
    # gt = gt.detach().to('cpu').numpy()
    # area_intersect, _ = np.histogram(intersect, bins=n_class, range=(1, n_class))
    # area_pred, _ = np.histogram(pred, bins=n_class, range=(1, n_class))
    # area_gt, _ = np.histogram(gt, bins=n_class, range=(1, n_class))

    area_union = area_pred + area_gt - area_intersect

    return area_intersect, area_union 
def forward(self,feat_t0,feat_t1,ground_truth):

        n,c,h,w =
        out_t0_rz = torch.transpose(feat_t0.view(c,h*w),1,0)
        out_t1_rz = torch.transpose(feat_t1.view(c,h*w),1,0)
        gt_np = ground_truth.view(h * w).data.cpu().numpy()
        #### inspired by Source code from Histogram loss ###
        ### get all pos in positive pairs and negative pairs ###
        pos_inds_np,neg_inds_np = np.squeeze(np.where(gt_np == 0), 1),np.squeeze(np.where(gt_np !=0),1)
        pos_size,neg_size = pos_inds_np.shape[0],neg_inds_np.shape[0]
        pos_inds,neg_inds = torch.from_numpy(pos_inds_np).cuda(),torch.from_numpy(neg_inds_np).cuda()
        ### get similarities(l2 distance) for all position ###
        distance = torch.squeeze(self.various_distance(out_t0_rz,out_t1_rz),dim=1)
        ### build similarity histogram of positive pairs and negative pairs ###
        pos_dist_ls,neg_dist_ls = distance[pos_inds],distance[neg_inds]
        pos_dist_ls_t,neg_dist_ls_t = torch.from_numpy(,torch.from_numpy(
        hist_pos = Variable(torch.histc(pos_dist_ls_t,bins=100,min=0,max=1)/pos_size,requires_grad=True)
        hist_neg = Variable(torch.histc(neg_dist_ls_t,bins=100,min=0,max=1)/neg_size,requires_grad=True)
        loss = self.distance(hist_pos,hist_neg)
        return loss 
def forward(self, y, batch):
        if self.use_cuda:
            hist = Variable(
                torch.histc(y.cpu().data.float(), bins=self.num_classes, min=0, max=self.num_classes) + 1
            hist = Variable(
                torch.histc(, bins=self.num_classes, min=0, max=self.num_classes) + 1

        centers_count = hist.index_select(0, y.long())  # 1 + how many examples of y[i]-th class

        batch_size = batch.size()[0]
        embeddings = batch.view(batch_size, -1)

        assert embeddings.size()[1] == self.embedding_size

        centers_pred = self.centers.index_select(0, y.long())
        diff = embeddings - centers_pred
        loss = 1 / 2.0 * (diff.pow(2).sum(1) / centers_count).sum()
        return loss 
def batch_intersection_union(output, target, nclass):
    # inputs are numpy array, output 4D, target 3D
    mini = 1
    maxi = nclass
    nbins = nclass
    predict = torch.argmax(output, 1) + 1
    target = target.float() + 1

    predict = predict.float() * (target > 0).float()
    intersection = predict * (predict == target).float()
    # areas of intersection and union
    # element 0 in intersection occur the main difference from np.bincount. set boundary to -1 is necessary.
    area_inter = torch.histc(intersection.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_pred = torch.histc(predict.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_lab = torch.histc(target.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter
    assert torch.sum(area_inter > area_union).item() == 0, "Intersection area should be smaller than Union area"
    return area_inter.float(), area_union.float() 
def accuracy(pred_cls, true_cls, nclass=79):
    Function to calculate accuracy (TP/(TP + FP + TN + FN)
    :param pytorch.Tensor pred_cls: network prediction (categorical)
    :param pytorch.Tensor true_cls: ground truth (categorical)
    :param int nclass: number of classes
    positive = torch.histc(true_cls.cpu().float(), bins=nclass, min=0, max=nclass, out=None)
    per_cls_counts = []
    tpos = []

    for i in range(1, nclass):
        true_positive = ((pred_cls == i).float() + (true_cls == i).float()).eq(2).sum().item()

    return np.array(tpos), np.array(per_cls_counts)

# Plotting functions
def batch_intersection_union(output, target, nclass):
    # inputs are numpy array, output 4D, target 3D
    mini = 1
    maxi = nclass
    nbins = nclass
    predict = torch.argmax(output, 1) + 1
    target = target.float() + 1

    predict = predict.float() * (target > 0).float()
    intersection = predict * (predict == target).float()
    # areas of intersection and union
    # element 0 in intersection occur the main difference from np.bincount. set boundary to -1 is necessary.
    area_inter = torch.histc(intersection.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_pred = torch.histc(predict.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_lab = torch.histc(target.cpu(), bins=nbins, min=mini, max=maxi)
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter
    assert torch.sum(area_inter > area_union).item() == 0, "Intersection area should be smaller than Union area"
    return area_inter.float(), area_union.float() 
def forward(self, inputs, target):
        :param inputs: predictions (N, C, H, W)
        :param target: target distribution (N, C, H, W)
        :return: loss with image-wise weighting factor
        assert inputs.size() == target.size()
        mask = (target != self.ignore_index)
        _, argpred = torch.max(inputs, 1)
        weights = []
        batch_size = inputs.size(0)
        for i in range(batch_size):
            hist = torch.histc(argpred[i].cpu().data.float(), 
                            bins=self.num_class, min=0,
            weight = (1/torch.max(torch.pow(hist, self.ratio)*torch.pow(hist.sum(), 1-self.ratio), torch.ones(1))).to(argpred.device)[argpred[i]].detach()
        weights = torch.stack(weights, dim=0)

        log_likelihood = F.log_softmax(inputs, dim=1)
        loss = torch.sum((torch.mul(-log_likelihood, target)*weights)[mask]) / (batch_size*self.num_class)
        return loss 
def _get_batch_label_vector(target, nclass):
        # target is a 3D Variable BxHxW, output is 2D BxnClass
        batch = target.size(0)
        tvect = Variable(torch.zeros(batch, nclass))
        for i in range(batch):
            hist = torch.histc(target[i].cpu().data.float(),
                               bins=nclass, min=0,
                               max=nclass - 1)
            vect = hist > 0
            tvect[i] = vect
        return tvect 
def _get_batch_label_vector(target, nclass):
        # target is a 3D Variable BxHxW, output is 2D BxnClass
        batch = target.size(0)
        tvect = Variable(torch.zeros(batch, nclass))
        for i in range(batch):
            hist = torch.histc(target[i].cpu().data.float(), 
                               bins=nclass, min=0,
            vect = hist>0
            tvect[i] = vect
        return tvect 
def energy_spectrum(vel):
    Compute energy spectrum given a velocity field
    :param vel: tensor of shape (N, 3, res, res, res)
    :return spec: tensor of shape(N, res/2)
    :return k: tensor of shape (res/2,), frequencies corresponding to spec
    device = vel.device
    res = vel.shape[-2:]

    assert(res[0] == res[1])
    r = res[0]
    k_end = int(r/2)
    vel_ = pad_rfft3(vel, onesided=False) # (N, 3, res, res, res, 2)
    uu_ = (torch.norm(vel_, dim=-1) / r**3)**2
    e_ = torch.sum(uu_, dim=1)  # (N, res, res, res)
    k = fftfreqs(res).to(device) # (3, res, res, res)
    rad = torch.norm(k, dim=0) # (res, res, res)
    k_bin = torch.arange(k_end, device=device).float()+1
    bins = torch.zeros(k_end+1).to(device)
    bins[1:-1] = (k_bin[1:]+k_bin[:-1])/2
    bins[-1] = k_bin[-1]
    bins = bins.unsqueeze(0)
    bins[1:] += 1e-3
    inds = searchsorted(bins, rad.flatten().unsqueeze(0)).squeeze().int()
    # bincount = torch.histc(inds.cpu(), bins=bins.shape[1]+1).to(device)
    bincount = torch.bincount(inds)
    asort = torch.argsort(inds.squeeze())
    sorted_e_ = e_.view(e_.shape[0], -1)[:, asort]
    csum_e_ = torch.cumsum(sorted_e_, dim=1)
    binloc = torch.cumsum(bincount, dim=0).long()-1
    spec_ = csum_e_[:,binloc[1:]] - csum_e_[:,binloc[:-1]]
    spec_ = spec_[:, :-1]
    spec_ = spec_ * 2 * np.pi * (k_bin.float()**2) / bincount[1:-1].float()
    return spec_, k_bin

##################### COMPUTE STATS ########################### 
def _get_batch_label_vector(target, nclass):
        # target is a 3D Variable BxHxW, output is 2D BxnClass
        batch = target.size(0)
        tvect = Variable(torch.zeros(batch, nclass))
        for i in range(batch):
            hist = torch.histc(target[i].cpu().data.float(),
                               bins=nclass, min=0,
                               max=nclass - 1)
            vect = hist > 0
            tvect[i] = vect
        return tvect

# TODO: optim function 
def get_doc_freqs_t(cnts):
    Return word --> # of docs it appears in (torch version).
    return torch.histc(
        cnts._indices()[0].float(), bins=cnts.size(0), min=0, max=cnts.size(0)
def get_doc_freqs_t(cnts):
    """Return word --> # of docs it appears in (torch version)."""
    return torch.histc(
        cnts._indices()[0].float(), bins=cnts.size(0), min=0, max=cnts.size(0)
def batch_intersection_union(output, target, num_class):
    _, predict = torch.max(output, 1)
    predict = predict + 1
    target = target + 1

    predict = predict * (target > 0).long()
    intersection = predict * (predict == target).long()

    area_inter = torch.histc(intersection.float(), bins=num_class, max=num_class, min=1)
    area_pred = torch.histc(predict.float(), bins=num_class, max=num_class, min=1)
    area_lab = torch.histc(target.float(), bins=num_class, max=num_class, min=1)
    area_union = area_pred + area_lab - area_inter
    assert (area_inter <= area_union).all(), "Intersection area should be smaller than Union area"
    return area_inter.cpu().numpy(), area_union.cpu().numpy() 
def intersectionAndUnionGPU(output, target, K, ignore_index=255):
    # 'K' classes, output and target sizes are N or N * L or N * H * W, each value in range 0 to K - 1.
    assert (output.dim() in [1, 2, 3])
    assert output.shape == target.shape
    output = output.view(-1)
    target = target.view(-1)
    output[target == ignore_index] = ignore_index
    intersection = output[output == target]
    area_intersection = torch.histc(intersection.float().cpu(), bins=K, min=0, max=K-1)
    area_output = torch.histc(output.float().cpu(), bins=K, min=0, max=K-1)
    area_target = torch.histc(target.float().cpu(), bins=K, min=0, max=K-1)
    area_union = area_output + area_target - area_intersection
    return area_intersection.cuda(), area_union.cuda(), area_target.cuda() 
def calculate_histogram(self, abstract_features_1, abstract_features_2):
        Calculate histogram from similarity matrix.
        :param abstract_features_1: Feature matrix for graph 1.
        :param abstract_features_2: Feature matrix for graph 2.
        :return hist: Histsogram of similarity scores.
        scores =, abstract_features_2).detach()
        scores = scores.view(-1, 1)
        hist = torch.histc(scores, bins=self.args.bins)
        hist = hist/torch.sum(hist)
        hist = hist.view(1, -1)
        return hist 
def put_histogram(self, hist_name, hist_tensor, bins=1000):
        Create a histogram from a tensor.

            hist_name (str): The name of the histogram to put into tensorboard.
            hist_tensor (torch.Tensor): A Tensor of arbitrary shape to be converted
                into a histogram.
            bins (int): Number of histogram bins.
        ht_min, ht_max = hist_tensor.min().item(), hist_tensor.max().item()

        # Create a histogram with PyTorch
        hist_counts = torch.histc(hist_tensor, bins=bins)
        hist_edges = torch.linspace(start=ht_min, end=ht_max, steps=bins + 1, dtype=torch.float32)

        # Parameter for the add_histogram_raw function of SummaryWriter
        hist_params = dict(
            sum_squares=float(torch.sum(hist_tensor ** 2)),
def intersectionAndUnionGPU(output, target, K, ignore_index=255):
    # 'K' classes, output and target sizes are N or N * L or N * H * W, each value in range 0 to K - 1.
    assert (output.dim() in [1, 2, 3])
    assert output.shape == target.shape
    output = output.view(-1)
    target = target.view(-1)
    output[target == ignore_index] = ignore_index
    intersection = output[output == target]
    area_intersection = torch.histc(intersection, bins=K, min=0, max=K-1)
    area_output = torch.histc(output, bins=K, min=0, max=K-1)
    area_target = torch.histc(target, bins=K, min=0, max=K-1)
    area_union = area_output + area_target - area_intersection
    return area_intersection, area_union, area_target 
def get_flow_histogram(flow):
    flow_magnitude = ((flow[..., 0] ** 2 + flow[..., 1] ** 2) ** 0.5).flatten()
    flow_magnitude[flow_magnitude > 99] = 99
    return torch.histc(flow_magnitude, min=0, max=100) / len(flow_magnitude) 
def get_wue_align(self, prev_output_tokens,
                      encoder_out, incremental_state=None):
        # source embeddings
        src_emb = encoder_out['encoder_out']  # B, Ts, ds 
        # target embeddings:
        positions = self.embed_positions(
        ) if self.embed_positions is not None else None

        if incremental_state is not None:
            # embed the last target token
            prev_output_tokens = prev_output_tokens[:, -1:]
            if positions is not None:
                positions = positions[:, -1:]
        # Build the full grid
        tgt_emb = self.embed_scale * self.embed_tokens(prev_output_tokens)
        if positions is not None:
            tgt_emb += positions

        tgt_emb = self.ln(tgt_emb)
        tgt_emb = self.embedding_dropout(tgt_emb)
        src_length = src_emb.size(1)
        tgt_length = tgt_emb.size(1)
        # build 2d "image" of embeddings
        src_emb = _expand(src_emb, 1, tgt_length)  # B, Tt, Ts, ds
        tgt_emb = _expand(tgt_emb, 2, src_length)  # B, Tt, Ts, dt
        x =, tgt_emb), dim=3)   # B, Tt, Ts, C=ds+dt
        x = self.input_dropout(x)
        # pass through dense convolutional layers
        x =, incremental_state)  # B, Tt, Ts, C
        x, indices = x.max(dim=2)  # B, Tt, C
        # only works for N=1
        counts = [torch.histc(indices[:, i], bins=src_length, min=0, max=src_length-1) for i in range(tgt_length)]
        counts = [c.float()/torch.sum(c) for c in counts]
        align = torch.stack(counts, dim=0).unsqueeze(0)  # 1, Tt, Ts
        return [align] 
def forward(self, pred, prob, label=None):
        :param pred: predictions (N, C, H, W)
        :param prob: probability of pred (N, C, H, W)
        :param label(optional): the map for counting label numbers (N, C, H, W)
        :return: maximum squares loss with image-wise weighting factor
        # prob -= 0.5
        N, C, H, W = prob.size()
        mask = (prob != self.ignore_index)
        maxpred, argpred = torch.max(prob, 1)
        mask_arg = (maxpred != self.ignore_index)
        argpred = torch.where(mask_arg, argpred, torch.ones(1).to(prob.device, dtype=torch.long)*self.ignore_index)
        if label is None:
            label = argpred
        weights = []
        batch_size = prob.size(0)
        for i in range(batch_size):
            hist = torch.histc(label[i].cpu().data.float(), 
                            bins=self.num_class+1, min=-1,
            hist = hist[1:]
            weight = (1/torch.max(torch.pow(hist, self.ratio)*torch.pow(hist.sum(), 1-self.ratio), torch.ones(1))).to(argpred.device)[argpred[i]].detach()
        weights = torch.stack(weights, dim=0)
        mask = mask_arg.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(prob)
        prior = torch.mean(prob, (2,3), True).detach()
        loss = -torch.sum((torch.pow(prob, 2)*weights)[mask]) / (batch_size*self.num_class)
        return loss 
def _findcluster(self):
        """Finds a cluster to output."""
        threshold = None

        # Keep looping until we find a cluster
        while threshold is None:
            # If on GPU, we need to take next seed which has not already been clusted out.
            # if not, clustered points have been removed, so we can just take next seed
            if self.CUDA:
                self.seed = (self.seed + 1) % len(self.matrix)
                while self.kept_mask[self.seed] == False:
                    self.seed = (self.seed + 1) % len(self.matrix)
                self.seed = (self.seed + 1) % len(self.matrix)

            medoid, distances = _wander_medoid(self.matrix, self.kept_mask, self.seed, self.MAXSTEPS, self.RNG, self.CUDA)

            # We need to make a histogram of only the unclustered distances - when run on GPU
            # these have not been removed and we must use the kept_mask
            if self.CUDA:
                _torch.histc(distances[self.kept_mask], len(self.histogram), 0, _XMAX, out=self.histogram)
                _torch.histc(distances, len(self.histogram), 0, _XMAX, out=self.histogram)
            self.histogram[0] -= 1 # Remove distance to self

            threshold, success = _find_threshold(self.histogram, self.peak_valley_ratio, self.CUDA)

            # If success is not None, either threshold detection failed or succeded.
            if success is not None:
                # Keep accurately track of successes if we exceed maxlen
                if len(self.attempts) == self.attempts.maxlen:
                    self.successes -= self.attempts.popleft()

                # Add the current success to count
                self.successes += success

                # If less than minsuccesses of the last maxlen attempts were successful,
                # we relax the clustering criteria and reset counting successes.
                if len(self.attempts) == self.attempts.maxlen and self.successes < self.MINSUCCESSES:
                    self.peak_valley_ratio += 0.1
                    self.successes = 0

        # These are the points of the final cluster AFTER establishing the threshold used
        points = _smaller_indices(distances, self.kept_mask, threshold, self.CUDA)
        isdefault = success is None and threshold == _DEFAULT_RADIUS and self.peak_valley_ratio > 0.55

        cluster = Cluster(self.indices[medoid].item(), self.seed, self.indices[points].numpy(),
                          threshold, isdefault, self.successes, len(self.attempts))
        return cluster, medoid, points 
def forward(self, query: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], document: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ

        # prepare embedding tensors
        # -------------------------------------------------------

        # we assume 1 is the unknown token, 0 is padding - both need to be removed
        if len(query["tokens"].shape) == 2: # (embedding lookup matrix)
            # shape: (batch, query_max)
            query_pad_oov_mask = (query["tokens"] > 1).float()
            # shape: (batch, doc_max)
            document_pad_oov_mask = (document["tokens"] > 1).float()
        else: # == 3 (elmo characters per word)
            # shape: (batch, query_max)
            query_pad_oov_mask = (torch.sum(query["tokens"],2) > 0).float()
            # shape: (batch, doc_max)
            document_pad_oov_mask = (torch.sum(document["tokens"],2) > 0).float()

        # shape: (batch, query_max,emb_dim)
        query_embeddings = self.word_embeddings(query) * query_pad_oov_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        # shape: (batch, document_max,emb_dim)
        document_embeddings = self.word_embeddings(document) * document_pad_oov_mask.unsqueeze(-1)

        # similarity matrix
        # -------------------------------------------------------

        # create sim matrix
        cosine_matrix = self.cosine_module.forward(query_embeddings, document_embeddings).cpu()

        # histogram & classfifier
        # ----------------------------------------------
        histogram_tensor = torch.empty((cosine_matrix.shape[0],cosine_matrix.shape[1],self.bin_count))
        for b in range(cosine_matrix.shape[0]):
            for q in range(cosine_matrix.shape[1]):
                histogram_tensor[b,q] = torch.histc(cosine_matrix[b,q], bins=self.bin_count, min=-1, max=1)

        histogram_tensor =
        classified_matches_per_query = self.matching_classifier(torch.log1p(histogram_tensor)) # log1p is super important - lol just the opposite of knrm, does somebody understand the world??

        # query gate 
        # ----------------------------------------------
        query_gates_raw = self.query_gate(query_embeddings)
        query_gates = self.query_softmax(query_gates_raw.squeeze(-1),query_pad_oov_mask).unsqueeze(-1)

        # combine it all
        # ----------------------------------------------
        scores = torch.sum(classified_matches_per_query * query_gates,dim=1)

        return scores