
def fit(self, episodes):
        # sequence_length * batch_size x feature_size
        featmat = self._feature(episodes).view(-1, self.feature_size)
        # sequence_length * batch_size x 1
        returns = episodes.returns.view(-1, 1)

        reg_coeff = self._reg_coeff
        eye = torch.eye(self.feature_size, dtype=torch.float32,
        for _ in range(5):
                coeffs, _ = torch.gels(
                    torch.matmul(featmat.t(), returns),
                    torch.matmul(featmat.t(), featmat) + reg_coeff * eye
            except RuntimeError:
                reg_coeff += 10
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to solve the normal equations in '
                               '`LinearFeatureBaseline`. The matrix X^T*X (with X the design '
                               'matrix) is not full-rank, regardless of the regularization '
                               '(maximum regularization: {0}).'.format(reg_coeff)) = 
def weight_reconstruction(next_module, next_input_feature, next_output_feature, cpu=True):
    reconstruct the weight of the next layer to the one being pruned
    :param next_module: torch.nn.module, module of the next layer to the one being pruned
    :param next_input_feature: torch.(cuda.)Tensor, new input feature map of the next layer
    :param next_output_feature: torch.(cuda.)Tensor, original output feature map of the next layer
    :param cpu: bool, whether done in cpu
    if next_module.bias is not None:
        bias_size = [1] * next_output_feature.dim()
        bias_size[1] = -1
        next_output_feature -= next_module.bias.view(bias_size)
    if cpu:
        next_input_feature = next_input_feature.cpu()
    if isinstance(next_module, torch.nn.modules.conv._ConvNd):
        unfold = torch.nn.Unfold(kernel_size=next_module.kernel_size,
        if not cpu:
            unfold = unfold.cuda()
        next_input_feature = unfold(next_input_feature)
        next_input_feature = next_input_feature.transpose(1, 2)
        num_fields = next_input_feature.size(0) * next_input_feature.size(1)
        next_input_feature = next_input_feature.reshape(num_fields, -1)
        next_output_feature = next_output_feature.view(next_output_feature.size(0), next_output_feature.size(1), -1)
        next_output_feature = next_output_feature.transpose(1, 2).reshape(num_fields, -1)
    if cpu:
        next_output_feature = next_output_feature.cpu()
    param, _ = torch.gels(,
    param = param[0:next_input_feature.size(1), :].clone().t().contiguous().view(next_output_feature.size(1), -1)
    if isinstance(next_module, torch.nn.modules.conv._ConvNd):
        param = param.view(next_module.out_channels, next_module.in_channels, *next_module.kernel_size)
    del next_module.weight
    next_module.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(param) 
def RGBalbedoSHToLight(colorImg, albedoImg, SH, confidence_map):
    #remove non-zeros [now confidence_map is the more clean] 
    confidence_map[colorImg==0] = 0
    confidence_map[albedoImg==0] = 0
    id_non_not = confidence_map.nonzero()
    idx_non = torch.unbind(id_non_not, 1) # this only works for two dimesion
    colorImg_non = colorImg[idx_non]
    albedoImg_non = albedoImg[idx_non]
    #get the shadingImg element-wise divide
    shadingImg_non = torch.div(colorImg_non, albedoImg_non)    
    shadingImg_non2 = shadingImg_non.view(-1,1)

    #:means 9 channels [get the shading image]
    SH0 = SH[0,:,:]; SH0_non = SH0[idx_non]
    SH1 = SH[1,:,:]; SH1_non = SH1[idx_non]
    SH2 = SH[2,:,:]; SH2_non = SH2[idx_non]
    SH3 = SH[3,:,:]; SH3_non = SH3[idx_non]
    SH4 = SH[4,:,:]; SH4_non = SH4[idx_non]
    SH5 = SH[5,:,:]; SH5_non = SH5[idx_non]
    SH6 = SH[6,:,:]; SH6_non = SH6[idx_non]
    SH7 = SH[7,:,:]; SH7_non = SH7[idx_non]
    SH8 = SH[8,:,:]; SH8_non = SH8[idx_non]
    SH_NON = torch.stack([SH0_non, SH1_non, SH2_non, SH3_non, SH4_non, SH5_non, SH6_non, SH7_non, SH8_non], dim=-1)
    ## only use the first N soultions if M>N  A(M*N) B(N*K) X should (N*K)[use N if M appears] 
    ## torch.gels(B, A, out=None)  Tensor
    light, _ = torch.gels(shadingImg_non2, SH_NON)  
    light_9 = light[0:9] # use first 9

    return (light_9, SH) 
def fit(self, states, returns):
        features = self._features(states)
        reg = self.reg * th.eye(features.size(1))
        reg =
        A = features.t() @ features + reg
        b = features.t() @ returns
        if hasattr(th, 'lstsq'):  # Required for torch < 1.3.0
            coeffs, _ = th.lstsq(b, A)
            coeffs, _ = th.gels(b, A) = 
def solve2theta(source, target):
  source, target = source.clone(), target.clone()
  oks = source[2, :] == 1
  assert torch.sum(oks).item() >= 3, 'valid points : {:} is short'.format(oks)
  if target.size(0) == 2: target =, oks.unsqueeze(0).float()), dim=0)
  source, target = source[:, oks], target[:, oks]
  source, target = source.transpose(1,0), target.transpose(1,0)
  assert source.size(1) == target.size(1) == 3
  #X, residual, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(target.numpy(), source.numpy())
  #theta = torch.Tensor(X.T[:2, :])
  X_, qr = torch.gels(source, target)
  theta = X_[:3, :2].transpose(1, 0)
  return theta

# shape = [H,W] 
def LinearScaleInvarianceFramework(self, prediction, gt, mask, w_grad):

        assert(prediction.size(1) == gt.size(1))
        assert(prediction.size(1) == mask.size(1))

        w_data = 1.0
        # w_grad = 0.5
        gt_vec = gt[mask > 0.1]
        pred_vec = prediction[mask > 0.1]
        gt_vec = gt_vec.unsqueeze(1).float().cpu()
        pred_vec = pred_vec.unsqueeze(1).float().cpu()

        scale, _ = torch.gels(,
        scale = scale[0,0]

        # print("scale" , scale)
        # sys.exit()
        prediction_scaled = prediction * scale
        final_loss = w_data * self.L2Loss(prediction_scaled, mask, gt) 

        prediction_1 = prediction_scaled[:,:,::2,::2]
        prediction_2 = prediction_1[:,:,::2,::2]
        prediction_3 = prediction_2[:,:,::2,::2]

        mask_1 = mask[:,:,::2,::2]
        mask_2 = mask_1[:,:,::2,::2]
        mask_3 = mask_2[:,:,::2,::2]

        gt_1 = gt[:,:,::2,::2]
        gt_2 = gt_1[:,:,::2,::2]
        gt_3 = gt_2[:,:,::2,::2]

        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_scaled , mask, gt) 
        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_1, mask_1, gt_1)
        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_2, mask_2, gt_2)
        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_3, mask_3, gt_3)

        return final_loss 
def calIntsAcc(gt_i, pred_i, data_batch=1):
    n, c, h, w = gt_i.shape
    pred_i  = pred_i.view(n, c, h, w)
    ref_int = gt_i[:, :3].repeat(1, gt_i.shape[1] // 3, 1, 1)
    gt_i  = gt_i / ref_int
    scale = torch.gels(gt_i.view(-1, 1), pred_i.view(-1, 1))
    ints_ratio = (gt_i - scale[0][0] * pred_i).abs() / (gt_i + 1e-8)
    ints_error = torch.stack(ints_ratio.split(3, 1), 1).mean(2)
    return {'ints_ratio': ints_ratio.mean().item()}, ints_error.squeeze() 
def WeightedLinearScaleInvarianceFramework(self, prediction, gt, mask, w_grad):
        w_data = 1.0

        assert(prediction.size(1) == gt.size(1))
        assert(prediction.size(1) == mask.size(1))

        if torch.sum( < 10:
            return 0

        # w_grad = 0.5
        gt_vec = gt[mask > 0.1]
        pred_vec = prediction[mask > 0.1]
        gt_vec = gt_vec.unsqueeze(1).float().cpu()
        pred_vec = pred_vec.unsqueeze(1).float().cpu()

        scale, _ = torch.gels(,
        scale = scale[0,0]

        prediction_scaled = prediction * scale
        ones_matrix = Variable(torch.zeros(gt.size(0), gt.size(1), gt.size(2), gt.size(3)) + 1, requires_grad = False)
        weight = torch.min(1/gt,  ones_matrix.float().cuda())
        weight_mask = torch.mul(weight, mask)
        final_loss = w_data * self.L2Loss(prediction_scaled, weight_mask, gt)

        prediction_1 = prediction_scaled[:,:,::2,::2]
        prediction_2 = prediction_1[:,:,::2,::2]
        prediction_3 = prediction_2[:,:,::2,::2]

        mask_1 = weight_mask[:,:,::2,::2]
        mask_2 = mask_1[:,:,::2,::2]
        mask_3 = mask_2[:,:,::2,::2]

        gt_1 = gt[:,:,::2,::2]
        gt_2 = gt_1[:,:,::2,::2]
        gt_3 = gt_2[:,:,::2,::2]

        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_scaled , weight_mask, gt) 
        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_1, mask_1, gt_1)
        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_2, mask_2, gt_2)
        final_loss += w_grad * self.L1GradientMatchingLoss(prediction_3, mask_3, gt_3)

        return final_loss