



我决定一次掷出四个骰子。在我的老师向我展示的dice程序示例中,有不同的方法返回值,而不仅仅是一个。我的每个方法都返回一个值。然而,当我试图编译它时,我得到了一些错误,每次我返回dieValue时都显示“找不到符号”;虽然我不确定为什么,因为我已经检查过了,在标题中添加了" int ",在程序的其他地方多次声明了变量,但仍然得到错误。我也试着像我老师建议的那样把它编译成更少的方法,但是当我试图弄清楚如何做一个论点,陈述你想要掷多少个骰子时,我卡住了。所以我坚持我目前的方法,但我仍然不确定哪里出了问题。


        // Roll the dice (redirect to the roll() methods) and declare variables to hold the values that have returned. 
        int dieValue1 = roll_1();
        int dieValue2 = roll_2();
        int dieValue3 = roll_3();
        int dieValue4 = roll_4();

        // Declare a variable for the sum of the dice values (and add the dice values to get that sum).
        int diceSum = dieValue1 + dieValue2 + dieValue3 + dieValue4;

        // Print the sum of the rolled dice. 
        System.out.println("Your sum of the dice values: ");

        // Determine if the user won or not. 
        if (diceSum == 6 ||diceSum == 12 ||diceSum == 13 ||diceSum == 17 || diceSum == 19 ||diceSum == 23)
            System.out.println("You win!");

    // roll() method header that rolls the die (creates a Die object and gets a random value for the object).
        public void roll()
            // Create a Random class object. 
            Random dieRoll = new Random();

            // Get a random integer value for the dice between 1 and 6.
            int dieValue1 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
            int dieValue2 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
            int dieValue3 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
            int dieValue4 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;

    // method that returns the value of die1.
        public static roll_1()
            return dieValue1;
    // method that returns the value of die2.
        public static int roll_2()
            return dieValue2;
    // method that returns the value of die3.
        public int roll_3()
            return static dieValue3;
    // method that returns the value of die4.
        public static int roll_4()
            return dieValue4;
    // method that returns the sum of the values of die1, die2, die3, and die4. 
        public static int sum()
            return dieValue1 + dieValue2 + dieValue3 + dieValue4;




问题之所以存在,是因为您在roll方法中声明了 dieValues,因此它们的作用域仅在此方法中。然后你返回实际上不存在的骰值。您需要将 dieValue 创建为类变量,而不是在 roll 方法中使用“this”关键字来设置类变量,而不是“int”类型。请记住将它们声明为静态,因为您的“滚动”方法是静态的

import java.util.Random;

public class Roll {
    static int dieValue1;
    static int dieValue2;
    static int dieValue3;
    static int dieValue4;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int dieValue1 = roll_1();
        int dieValue2 = roll_2();
        int dieValue3 = roll_3();
        int dieValue4 = roll_4();

        // Declare a variable for the sum of the dice values (and add the dice values to
        // get that sum).
        int diceSum = dieValue1 + dieValue2 + dieValue3 + dieValue4;

        // Print the sum of the rolled dice.
        System.out.println("Your sum of the dice values: ");

        // Determine if the user won or not.
        if (diceSum == 6 || diceSum == 12 || diceSum == 13 || diceSum == 17 || diceSum == 19 || diceSum == 23)
            System.out.println("You win!");


// roll() method header that rolls the die (creates a Die object and gets a random value for the object).
    public static void roll() {
        // Create a Random class object.
        Random dieRoll = new Random();

        // Get a random integer value for the dice between 1 and 6.
        dieValue1 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        dieValue2 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        dieValue3 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        dieValue4 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;

// method that returns the value of die1.
    public static int roll_1()
        return dieValue1;

// method that returns the value of die2.
    public static int roll_2() {
        return dieValue2;

// method that returns the value of die3.
    public static int roll_3()
        return dieValue3;

// method that returns the value of die4.
    public static int roll_4() {
        return dieValue4;

// method that returns the sum of the values of die1, die2, die3, and die4. 
    public static int sum() {
        return dieValue1 + dieValue2 + dieValue3 + dieValue4;



public class Roll {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int diceSum = roll();

        // Print the sum of the rolled dice.
        System.out.println("Your sum of the dice values: ");

        // Determine if the user won or not.
        if (diceSum == 6 || diceSum == 12 || diceSum == 13 || diceSum == 17 || diceSum == 19 || diceSum == 23)
            System.out.println("You win!");


    public static int roll() {
        Random dieRoll = new Random();
        int diceSum = 0;

        diceSum += dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        diceSum += dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        diceSum += dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        diceSum += dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        return diceSum;



package com.inlet.ifserver;

import java.util.Random;

public class DieRoller {

    private Random dieRoll;

    private int dieValue1;
    private int dieValue2;
    private int dieValue3;
    private int dieValue4;

    // roll() method header that rolls the die (creates a Die object and gets a random value for the object).
    public DieRoller()
        Random dieRoll = new Random();

    public void roll() {

        // Get a random integer value for the dice between 1 and 6.
        dieValue1 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        dieValue2 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        dieValue3 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;
        dieValue4 = dieRoll.nextInt(6) + 1;

    // method that returns the value of die1.
    public int roll_1()
        return dieValue1;
    // method that returns the value of die2.
    public int roll_2()
        return dieValue2;
    // method that returns the value of die3.
    public int roll_3()
        return dieValue3;
    // method that returns the value of die4.
    public int roll_4()
        return dieValue4;
    // method that returns the sum of the values of die1, die2, die3, and die4.
    public int sum()
        return dieValue1 + dieValue2 + dieValue3 + dieValue4;

    public static void main (String [] args) {

        DieRoller roller = new DieRoller();

        // Roll the dice (redirect to the roll() methods) and declare variables to hold the values that have returned.
        int dieValue1 = roller.roll_1();
        int dieValue2 = roller.roll_2();
        int dieValue3 = roller.roll_3();
        int dieValue4 = roller.roll_4();

        // Declare a variable for the sum of the dice values (and add the dice values to get that sum).
        int diceSum = roller.sum();

        // Print the sum of the rolled dice.
        System.out.println("Your sum of the dice values: ");

        // Determine if the user won or not.
        if (diceSum == 6 ||diceSum == 12 ||diceSum == 13 ||diceSum == 17 || diceSum == 19 ||diceSum == 23)
            System.out.println("You win!");

你能给我解释一下这里发生的一切吗?也许你可以把这个变成通用的。不是4个骰子,而是N个骰子。除了单个骰子变量,您还可以拥有一个骰子值数组“private int[] dieValues”。将骰子的数量作为参数传递给DieRoller的构造函数。



package com.example.demo;

public class myclass {

    int sum = 0;

    public void play(int numberofdices, int numberofeyes) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= numberofdices; i++) {
            sum = sum + (int) ((Math.random()) * numberofeyes + 1);

        // Print the sum of the rolled dice.
        System.out.println("Your sum of the dice values: ");

        // Determine if the user won or not.
        if (sum == 6 || sum == 12 || sum == 13 || sum == 17 || sum == 19 || sum == 23) {
            System.out.println("You win!");
        } else {
            System.out.println("You loose!");
